Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Special Christmas Celebration

This year, our christmas had a whole diferent and special meaning, in stead being all about the gifts, it was all about family getting closer to each other.
We had a party celebration at my house on christmas eve, were our dear friends and family members Mike and Rivkah got to spend a day with us, it was so nice to have them here, we love them very much!
On the day of the party, we had Devin and Becky, Scott and his family, Debbie and her family and Lina coming over to celebrate with all of us. We danced, we talked, we laughed, we played games and we HAD A LOT FUN!
And on the 27th, we had another party so we could celebrate with the rest of the family who did not make it for the 24th. We all went to Debbie's place and we all got together at the church. Over there we eate lots of food, played fun games, like mini golf (on the mini golf, each family got to build their own holes having a xtmas song as a theme for their hole, it was really fun), we played the Wii Rock Band, the white elefant gift exchange... it was just great to spend time with everyone.
Our children had a blast playing with their cousings. It was just lovelly to be there.
I thank Heavenly Father for the privilege he gave us to be together as a family and to be so happy as we all enjoyed each others company, as we play and laughed together. On that party on the 27th, we all had a little taste on how it will be in the celestial kingdon as we all get together to live with each forever as an eternal family, and there shall be love...eternal love and happyness.
How greatefull I am to know that families can be together forever.
And that was the best christmas's gift ever!
I love you all!

Silly Scott!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Chrstimas tag

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? both
2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake
3. When do you put up the tree? right after Thanksgiving
4. When do you take the tree down? January 5th
5. Do you like eggnog? Yuck!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? A barbie
7. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I want one
8. Hardest person to buy for? Brent
9. Easiest person to buy for? Anybody of my family in Brazil
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? E-mail
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? umm let me see…
I don’t really have one, I like getting anything for xmas
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I Like most of the Christmas movies
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? On black Friday.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh boy! This is embaracing, but, Yes I have
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?Chocolate cherries.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? both.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Mary don’t you know? I guess that’s the name, but I really like that song
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? stay home. but after presents are all done family is a must for sure
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Have no Idea, I didn’t even know they had names…LOL
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Because in brazil we have the tradition of opening the gifts at midnight on xmas, so One year we open at midnight to keep my tradition, and other year we open at 6 in the morning to keep brent’s tradition.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The crazy people at the store
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Colors
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? whatever sounds good
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I already got… a lovely and happy family!
26. Who are you going to tag for this Christmas questionaire?? I'm not gonna tag anyone but just do it if your interested

Monday, December 15, 2008

And Inácio is growing...

Our baby Inácio is almost 2 months old and he weights 8 pounds and he is 21 inches long now. He is an adorable baby who loves to sleep all day. He's starting to smile when we tikle his little face, he is just a bundle of joy.
His big sister Bella loves to "take care" of him, she likes to give him his binkie, put on him her pink baby close.LOL she is funny that way. But her and her little brothers are having a lot fun with their new baby brother, they love him, and so do we, mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We are happy

This has been a very good week, we have been happy and good things has happen to us. Our little Inácio is doing great and I'm so happy that his eyes are going blue. Bella, Kadin and Leander love to be around their little brother. Bella and Kadin like to hold him, and Leander likes to kiss him on the top of his head. They are just cute!

Brent, is getting ready for his graduation here in 9 days, he is very excited and he can't believe he is so close to be done -not eitheir I believe he is almost done, oh boy! I'm so proud of him!- Only 9 days and my "lindo" is going to be officially a Manufacturing Engineer. Congratulations honey!!!

Now me, I'm doing pretty good, specially after the phone call I received from my brother and my sister from Brazil. That made me so happy!!! I was very glad to hear from them.
Other good news from Brazil that I heard is that my best friend Lucy finally got her visa to come to USA, I'm so happy for her and her husband Ben, because they finally get to be together after a 15 months of waiting for her visa.

And the other good news is that my dear friend Denise is going to have a baby boy! Congratulations to both of them.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Living one day at the time

Life is so precious, is so great.
Full of challenges that sometimes sees to be unberable; impossible to the point where blind us for the true meaning of the why we are here. But is during those trials that we must learn to aprecciate what life has already offered us, and aprecciate everything that we already have. Is during the hard times we must learn to be greateful for the things that money can't buy, because those things, they last forever. But it's when we get so close to walk in a path where there is no coming back, that we learn how powerful and strong love can be.
But it's living one day at the time that we must learn, that it is possible to be happy even with all the imperfections that we all have, because there is no need to be perfect, because happiness brings perfection with it self.
(Crica Nirvana)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He is coming home!

Our baby Inácio is finally coming home with us tomorrow! I couldn't believe when I got there today and the nurse told me that my baby has reached his goal and was ready to go home!!! yeahhhh!!! I'm trying to get everything ready for him here. Our are kids are very happy to know that their baby brother will finally be home with us.
I'm so happy!
And I want to thank you all of you who had prayed for my baby well being...thanks a lot!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

He is really growing

As you all can see, Inácio is getting bigger and stronger and cutier LOL. He is eating better, but he still got to reach the goal of eating by mouth for 48 hours before he comes home, but he is getting there. And I pray that he will reach that goal by the end of this week.
Here are some Pictures of Kadin's bday dinner last night, it was a lot fun to have the family coming over to celebrate with us. It was great!!! As you can see on the picture, Bella gave Kadin a little help with the candles LOL.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mt Little Angels

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The New Member of Our Family Inácio Daniel Wilberg

Look at all that cute hair!!!

He is so adorable!

Our tinny little wonder...

Inácio, 4 and half hours after his birth.

Our beautiful baby is doing great, he is still in the hospital, but is because has been very sleepy during feeding time, so he needs to overcome that sleepness so he can eat enough by mouth before he will be able to come home with us. But liltte by little he is making progress...we love him.
We are all very excited waiting to have him with us as soon as possible, but we got to be patient and give our little guy time to improve on his own. And for now all we can do is give him lots of love and pray for his improvement and strength.
He is just so precious!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Baby Couldn't Wait!

Hello everyone!
On October 28th our baby boy was born! I was 33 weeks pregnant and my doctor try for two whole days to stop the labor, but our baby was in a hurry.LOL
He was 4bl and 14oz, he has light skin and light hair like his daddy... he is very cute! He is still in the hospital, but he is doing very good, all he needs right now is to improve his feeding and he will be ok to come home with us.
His brothers and sister are very curious to see their new baby brother, they only have seen him throuht pictures. I'm sorry for not posting any pictures at this moment, but my computer got a lot problems, but as soon I have them saved I will post to all of you to see it.
Brent and I named him "Inácio Daniel Wilberg", and later, I will tell you how we come out with that special name.
Thanks for your prayers and for keeping us in your thoughts.
We Love You All!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We Have a name!

Hey Everyone!
Brent and I finally came to an agreement tonight on our baby's boy name. We are going to call him "Mikeas Daniel Wilberg". Mikeas means "Who Is Like God?" and Daniel means "God is my juged".
We are very happy and we both feel very good about our choice on our baby's name. I'm almost 29 weeks and I'm trying to take easy every day so he will be healthy and strong and not born before 33rd week LOL.
Thanks for all your prayers

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wow! We did change huh? LOL

I love to work with our old pictures, I have been having a lot fun doing this. And I did get a little uglyier on pass year did I? hahahahaha, But my husband, he is still handson and very hot as ever. I love you meu anjo!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pray for our baby!

Hello everyone!
The last three days has been a little hard for me, because I starded to have pretty painful contractions and cramps. And today I had to go to the hospital to make sure they could stop everything so our baby boy would not come so early. I'm only 27 weeks pregnant and that is way to early for him to be born. I recieved a couple of shots one to help the baby lungs and the other one to stop the pain. For now on I'm going to have to see my doctor every week.
I am a little scare, but I do trust the Lord that everything is going to be ok. The Lord has been very merciful with me and my dear family, and I see how much he cares and loves us by sending us worderful and kind friends to help us in this time of need. All my prayers has been anwsered, I'm so greatful for it! Oh God, I love you so much!!!
I was so worried about my husband schedule and with my little ones and who would take care of them if I have to go to the hospital, I didn't know what to do...I was very frightned. Oh! Miracles has happen in this last couple of days that I can hard believe. And the Lord provided everything for the confort of my heart and the need of my dear family.
Oh yes, He lives! and Loves his children, and he will never leave any of them alone in time of need.

"Yea, O God, thou wast merciful unto me when I did cry unto thee in my field; when I did cry unto thee in my prayer, and thou didst hear me" (Alma 33:5)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wilbergs 2007

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The results are in!!

hello everyone! thanks a lot for participating on the poll, it was a lot fun!
As you all can see, the minority won, and they are: Brent, my dear friend Angela, my friend from Brazil John and the other person I need to identify I have no clue who he/she is.
Well, now Brent and I are going to get in a fight on trying to find the right name for our future "Elder Wilberg" more huh?:)
Thank you all for checking it up our blog!
P.S Don't forget to leave a comment!:)