Is pretty cold, and I would love to have a cup of hot cocoa... but there are so many things that I would love to have. One of them is that I would love to get rid of this ugly purple sweater I'm wearing right now, it makes me look like an old lady! I wish I'd had never bought this sweater... frustrading huh? It's ok, at least the sweater serves it's purpose in keep me warm, he is not completely useless, if it was, it would make the situation a lot worst.
How funny! Look how I'm so focus on this stupid sweater, I dind't even know how much it bother me 'til now... hum! Life is weird... and I love every single minute of it!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Posted by Cristina Wilberg at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Party was awsome!!!!
Ok, I don't have alot time to write right now, so I'll just post few pictures. I'll tell you how the party went later ok? One thing for sure, we all had a blast!!!
Posted by Cristina Wilberg at 3:05 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
it's about time for a post huh?
OOOKKK!!! Here we go! I'm very excited to plan Inacio's bday party. A halloween theme is just perfect! I'm looking foward to see everyone here and see how they all are going to dress up. The theme for my family is going to be "Our Favorite heroes" I'm sooo excited because I'll get to dress up like Eowyn, she is my favoriteeee!!! My hubby is still deciding what he wants to be. Is so cute to see him so excited about this. All my kids piked their out fit already. It was so cool to see bella, kadin and leander pick what they like the most for themselves...=)Inacio was the only one we had to pick for, in wich is very understandble because he only 11 months old.
All right, some other good news to share is that I'm loving the new carpet!!!! My house looks so nice, I wish we had the money much sooner so we could have done this, but like I always say, everything happens for a reason. Besides that, My little girl is really having a lot fun in school. She is learning so fast. She is doing wonderfully, she loves doing her home work and to read books... I am so proud of her! As she is in school, Kadin and Leander has some time to be boys and play more like boys do... Oh man! sometimes, they do drive me crazyyy! They start by playing and wresling, and don't take very long until they start to fight...aarrgghh... but I actually am handling pretty good the situation (thank goodness!), I just can't imagine when little Inacio is that age, then I will go nuts for sure...hahahaa I know I wont, I just love my babies, they will be my babies forever, even when they are 40 years old. I know I'm going to give them a lot of embarassement moments as adults. LOL
Now Brent, is having a good time at his new job. He likes the fact that he has to do something diferent every day and that he learns a lot at the same time. I'm very happy for him. Last week, he took on a was so special... I love my hubby so very very much!
But something else very special is going to happen this week. My Stake Patriarc is coming to my house to have dinner with us this friday!!!! I'm soooo excited!!! He is an awsome person, and I'll tell you more about him after the dinner.
talk to you later everyone!
Posted by Cristina Wilberg at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I'm Having a lot fun!
I'm having so much fun with the JCPenney photo contest on facebook! I love dressing up and feel pretty...that's is pretty cool. The results will be reveald on September 30th. I'm very excited about it! But even if I don't win anything, it was so worth it doing this I had a lot fun, especially knowing that Michele Bohbot one of the JCP designers made a positive comment in one of my pictures....OH MY!!! Fingers crossed!
Posted by Cristina Wilberg at 3:55 PM 1 comments